Rafalense senior member HTCMania brings us an update on the amended application WhatsApp Plus.
+ What is WhatsApp?
Basically it is a very "customizable" WhatsApp, which you can adjust lots of colors, sizes, and as many more visual changes. You can thematise to taste
As added can upload limit to send both music videos increase (default is 16Mb)
You can increase the quality of the images you share (default resolution is significantly lower than the original)
You can share music with a click (you player must be compatible)
You can add to the message the contact photo that sends
You can hide the profile pictures of your contacts and show that you have in your phone calendar
Viewer and installer of serious issues. You can check from WhatsApp + topics other users and install them, if you like any
More mods possibly coming
How to hide status option works 'online'?
Nothing off the internet. WhatsApp + blocks packets that inform WhatsApp servers that are 'online', 'writing' ...
A hidden time, other people will see your 'last time ...' and time in which you activated the MOD.
This time is always displayed in the main header under 'Chats' (uncheck if you do not appear MOD 2.1.6)
When chatting with someone, the last hour of free updates temporarily. Within minutes of completing the conversation, your last connection time you see that person will be the one to see the rest, which appears in header under Chats
As a side effect, not to be hidden you'll see others 'online'. You'll see your current connection last. There is something that I have decided, WhatsApp servers react well if you are not online do not send the info that the rest is online
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